Tuesday, January 24, 2012


When you're diagnosed with Breast Cancer, you get "bombarded"  with SO MUCH literature. I'm an avid reader, so I thought I could approach all the reading material I was given from that perspective. I would begin reading about the various types of treatments, their possible side effects, and all the things that were ahead of me. So, you can imagine between hyperventilating, multiple "panic" attacks, and rolling around on the floor like a mad woman-I had to come up with a better plan! My new approach-Read ONLY enough to inform me of what I had to deal with in the HERE and NOW! Time for Surgery? I ONLY read about that particular Surgery, and what I needed to do to physically, and emotionally prepare myself for it. This was all NEW terrain, new territory that I've been CHOSEN (not punished!) to "BLAZE"! I was a novice-I felt a little like Columbus must have experienced when he "discovered" America. I didn't know it at the time, but I was "paving" the way...Leaving stones on a Trail, that two very "dear" friends would soon follow...

Most people don't know this...Statistics aren't their "cup" of tea. But, I've learned (Baby...I've learned...Borrowed that line from The Spinners!) that ONE out of every EIGHT women gets diagnosed with Breast Cancer. YES, it occurs frequently in families where a Mom, Grandmother, Aunt, and Sister have been diagnosed with the disease. That "BRAC1" and, "BRAC2" Gene that we hear so much about "ups" the "ante" as well. But, women, such as myself, who have NO pre-disposition to this disease, NO family history, NO BRAC Gene , are being diagnosed with this disease at a surprisingly ALARMINGLY rate. So, not to get up on my pulpit, BUT....MAMMOGRAMS DO SAVE LIVES! It saved mine...Now, I see you out there, you've heard it all before (yeah,yeah...)-but let me put a FACE to this, MINE, to drive home this point! EARLY DETECTION SAVES LIVES!...Read my lips...It SAVED mine...Really!

A memory that's stayed with me from the moment I was diagnosed, is of two women I met that day. For all intent, and purposes, let's call them Diva A, and Diva B. I  was on my way to the Exam Room, to discuss my Biopsy results, with my Doctor. I was CLEARLY scared out of my wits, but I brought along my father, and both sisters with me for the "Big Day." The BIG reveal. Did I or didn't I ? Only the Pathologist knows for sure...Diva A, left out of the Exam Room, the same time I was headed back there. Her face was "drenched" with tears. So, I thought...Oh, boy! This isn't going to be good for me either! Call it an omen, but when you are about to get results that CAN alter the course of your life-seeing someone come out in tears, didn't INCREASE my optimism! While inside, I kept hearing the Doctor pace, back and forth, in front of my room-I can just imagine that telling a woman she has Breast Cancer is no "picnic" for them either. Well, back to Diva A...Funny thing...I NEVER saw Diva A again. I received, and continue to receive my treatment where I was diagnosed. HAD she sought treatment, I would have seen her again. The Breast Cancer Diva's at Mercy Hospital are a "close" knit group! And therein lies the problem...We don't seek the treatment we need. Or even feel we deserve. I often hear women say..."Jesus, is gonna' work this out for me"! There's a song that says the same. It's what we've been taught. But, for me, "Jesus" is a verb-an ACTION word, not a noun! Jesus WILL work it out... He did! But, not while I  remained standing still! He worked it out, through my Surgeons, Doctors, Radiologist, Oncologist, And, the "amazing" Nurses in OIS (Helen, Nicole, Sue, Lor- angels, everyone!). I know, I just slipped in some more cancer terminology (OIS=Outpatient Infusion Services) Where the rubber hits the metal! Really, it's where they administer the Chemotherapy. So move! Keep those appointments! Don't get discouraged! Do like I did...Put one foot in front of the other...People ALWAYS said to me,"How STRONG you are, Tonya"!...PLEASE! It was just like I said... I just kept putting ONE foot in front of the other, until the biggest hurdles were overcome, Imagine that? Now on to Diva B (Bet you thought I forgot about her!) Diva B, was a young woman, barely pushing 30, with two small children. She "finally" agreed to start treatment-so, I was EXTREMELY hopeful! Although, after just one round of "Chemo"(Trust me, Chemo is a bad..mother, shut yo' mouth!)-and her subsequent hospitalization from it, she refused any further treatment. She found fault, with everything, and even questioned the validity of the test results. Fear can do that to you. I called her, came to visit her, and eventually she "stopped" taking my calls. I pray that Diva B "remembered" Jesus is a verb...I prayed each, and everyday that she took action...Somewhere...I told you the tale of these two women because I want EVERY women within the sound of my voice...this printed word/this Blog, that I've chosen to embark on, to know...There are "Trailblazers" all around you, if you need them...Just "wave" a Pink flag...The two dear friends I discussed earlier, the two I didn"t know I was "Blazing" a trail for? They waved the flag, and I answered the call! They will each respectively be celebrating their 1st Birthdays...Cancer Free-very soon! See? Jesus DID work it out...For all three of us...That's because NONE of us, Not a one...JUST stood Still! Until next time...

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