Monday, January 30, 2012

Who Knew I'd Be The "Lucky" One...

Captains tell their Crew, before charting the Unknown..."Full Steam Ahead"...They check their Navigational Systems, Weather Reports, and Estimate the time of Arrival to reach their intended "Destination"...That's what I, and many Breast Cancer Survivors attempt to do once treatment is over...We begin to put the pieces of our lives back together (chart a destination), Join a Gym (get our "bodies" navigational system back in order), and in my case...Read a Book...For the "sheer" pleasure of it. Nothing with the words, "Chemo", "Radiation", "Mastectomy",...Or "Cancer" in it....Wouldn't it be nice if we could "fold" this experience into "itsy bitsy" pieces-and tuck them away somewhere...Anywhere...NEVER to be seen, or heard from again...

Anyone with  a Cancer diagnosis, will tell you it's NEVER completely over, even after treatment. So, unlike a ship's Captain (who estimates when they will reach their intended destination), our "intended" destination( good health)-can't be "charted"...It's really only "partially"  up to us. I've changed my diet (I eat organic, and natural products), I "walk", and take the stairs, instead of taking the elevators, or Public transportation. I take all my meds, don't miss any Doctor's appointments...But, with all that, there are still no "guarantees". My daughter's college roommate(a lawyer now!), her Mom, received her Breast Cancer diagnosis, a year or so before I did. She lost her battle last year...Who knew, I would be the "Lucky" One? My daughter has a friend she attended Elementary School with-diagnosed in her 20's-died a month later...(His grace, and mercy ALONE has brought me through! ).I just lost a friend this morning, Elsie...Diagnosed with Cancer, just three weeks ago... My Mom use to "always" say..."Only by His grace, go I"...With ALL the advances the Medical Community has made in the treatment of Breast Cancer-there's still no "formula"...No "guarantee" of who will/will not lose their battle to this disease. I guess you can say , thus far... "I'm STILL  the Lucky One"...I'm  HERE...To LIVE and FIGHT another day...What does that American Cancer Society commercial say?- " When I needed a ride-You were there... When my hair fell out, and I wanted to look like myself-You were there".It ends with,"Im here, because you were there." And, for as long as He says...I'm here...In Memory of those who aren't...That's why I've been "charged" to make the "journey" better, for all those who will "travel" after me. May the words of my mouth, through this (Blog)...And, meditations from my Heart...Be acceptable in Your sight...Until next time...

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