Saturday, February 4, 2012

I'm ONE of the 99%...Part 2

Because of my sister Stephanie's "diligence" on the Web, once I told her about the lump I found that Saturday evening...( I didn't know at the time, but help was on the way!). She later informed me that she "Googled" the phrase..."FREE BREAST CANCER SCREENINGS". It happened to be October (Breast Cancer Month), so she had a "list" to work with! She admitted to me, MUCH later, that she just KNEW it was Breast Cancer when I told her. My sister gave me an 800 number to IDPH (Illinois Dept. of Public Health), I left a message (I tried to remain calm!), and Mercy Hospital returned the call, and gave me an appointment with the IBCCP Office, at the Hospital . I didn't know...How could I?...That those initials...That Program....Would be INSTRUMENTAL in saving my life! Getting me "access" to the care I so desperately needed....

On the day of my appointment, after speaking with the Intake Nurse...I was directed up to the 12th Floor Breast Center to receive my FREE Mammogram. Afterwards, I was scheduled for a Biopsy. I saw a Gynecologist that day for my Pap Smear...ALL covered by the IBCCP Program! It was "too much" for my mind to accept.. I was "overwhelmed" by the mere fact, that a Program like this was in place, for women just like me. I just "knew" there HAD to be a "catch". But, there wasn't! My Lumpectomy, Mastectomy, Chemotherapy, and Radiation....ALL covered by Medicaid thru the IBCCP Program! I'm SO grateful for that Program... Yet,"Grateful" doesn't begin to describe the magnitude of what I feel. I even met the Head of the Illinois Department of Public Health-Dr. Damien Arnold, who informed me he put together the Program while he was at Mercy Hospital. I told him that he can now put a FACE, instead of just statistics to the COUNTLESS lives, that Program has saved! I still get my monthly injections, and my medications through the Program. President Obama's Health Care Initiative for adults with pre-existing conditions is still 4 years away...Trust me...I received the BEST of care...I was treated just like I was paying  with PRIVATE insurance. The Director of the Breast Center, Eileen, to this day is welcoming, and supportive whenever I see her at the hospital. Robin, the Nurse Manager of OIS at Mercy, treats my "victory" as if it were her own! I received EVERYTHING I needed to beat this disease. To LIVE and THRIVE well! And, I had NO INSURANCE, NO MONEY to pay that "enormous" bill for Cancer treatment.To think of how much was done on my behalf...To get me to where I am today...Inspires me to give back-"Pay it forward" in the lives of other Breast Cancer patients. So, Ms. Susan G. Komen...I "applaud" you for making the "only" decision your Organization could have...I have one of your magnets...It says, "Impact...Make one"! Thus you must practice what you preach, and assist those that REMAIN in need of those FREE Mammograms...I am ONE of the 99%..There are "countless" more...Worked ALL my life...And Breast Cancer "struck" when I was the least prepared. There should be NOTHING political about this...SAVING lives is ALL that matters...Until next time...

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