Sunday, February 12, 2012

Something In The DNA...

My sister Nannette, and I were at the Theatre last night, watching Denzel " in all his fineness" Washington's new movie, "Safehouse". As usual, both of us being STRONG, OPINIONATED, women (definitely our mother's children!) we began discussing Life and Death. Inevitably what we all do when you hear about someone dying...The "heartbreaking" news reached us as we left the Theatre about Whitney "SANG her ass off" Houston...

Being a Mom, as well, my FIRST thought was of her daughter. Then, I thought about her Mom, Cissy...Which naturally led me to thoughts of my own Mother, Robbie Watson Banks Cannady....Both Black women, Both Mothers, and in my Mom's case...I knew had "overcome" MANY obstacles that "Life" had thrown her way...

When I was diagnosed in November of 2009, the news was 1) Overwhelming, 2) Earth Shattering, or 3) Life Changing...YOU pick one. It was ALL three, and MORE for me! I was only 49 at the time, and my daughter would  graduate from Culinary School the following year. I had SO much ahead of me...Now this! When you speak with Breast Cancer Survivors, you usually hear them say how they "fought" this disease. My experience with Breast Cancer was "slightly" different (each, and every journey is unique!). I just KEPT putting ONE foot in front of the OTHER...

After each Surgery (what I would soon learn was the "easier" part) I felt "hopeful". The 6 week "wait" in between each, definitely took a toll on my "psyche". They thought they could save...But, I ultimately "lost" my left breast to the disease. But, I kept on going...(that one foot in front of the other)...Because there's "FAITH" in my DNA...

During Chemotherapy...I thought the treatment would "kill" me (and that's NOT an exaggeration!)...It was "harsh"..."brutal". I had "multiple" hospitalizations due to the toll it took on my body. One foot in front of the other now...I went to each treatment, knowing that each one I took, would bring me that much closer to completion...6 rounds...There's a running joke in my family...I would BEG for Chemo...When they would deny me, because my blood levels were too low. I just wanted it to be OVER! (so, you HAVE to understand my insistence!). I was "too" sick to fight...But, "Thank God" there's STRENGTH in my DNA...

Back to work during the mornings (after a year!)...Radiation in the afternoon..."Head wraps" (still bald at the time!) and initially "diminished" capacity to work like I "use" to. Bills behind (Com Ed didn't care I had Breast Cancer!)...Struggling to "stay" afloat...But, I managed. I did it!...Because there is PERSEVERANCE in my DNA...

Getting up EVERY morning. Facing LIFE on different terms...A NEW me...A NEW purpose...I asked my sister while we were talking about Whitney..."What is it about us, the women in our Family?" But, before she could answer...Something came to me. I thought about my maternal grandmother, Doris Watson, who scrubbed floors at Rush St. Lukes Hospital more than half her life...Also, working as a maid for a family in LaGrange. Who EVERYDAY gave me LOVE beyond measure. She lived with us, until God called her home...Right before my High School Graduation. My Mom, Robbie Banks, who overcame her "first" round with Cancer...When I was at the TENDER age of 13. Who gave me "EVERYTHING"...Whatever I needed...Love, Encouragement, and a stiff kick in the butt, when I needed that too!

And now I KNOW why I survived. It's as CLEAR as the nose on my face...More than anything...It's because I possess the DNA of both those women in me...Just as with them..."Giving Up" isn't in our DNA....

I LOVE YOU BOTH!...And, MISS YOU more than you can imagine...May God rest your soul Whitney...Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Our DNA is strong that's why we
    PS... I stole your pictures
