Friday, February 10, 2012

Things People Say...

People ALWAYS say to me..." I wouldn't have known if you didn't tell me". Which I imagine is a compliment. Others say, " You look good." I guess people REALLY don't know what to say when you tell them...Breast...Cancer! We've been taught to fear the "C" word. You get Cancer, you die right? The "funny" thing about an illness, ANYONE can get one. I ate well, exercised, NO family history. So, I just "chalked" it up to..."Shit happens"...

I'm just as "guilty" as you. I sometimes "froze" at the mention of someone I knew...Being ill. I would, and still do say a prayer. I was taught...When words are insufficient...Give it over to God. So, I don't want to make anyone feel bad. Just been on the "other" side, so I want to give you a few helpful hints...

1) You don't have to "raise" your voice when you talk to me...I have Breast Cancer-I'm not deaf. (although the older I get...)

2) When I tell you I have Breast Cancer...DON'T immediately lower your eyes to my breasts. "Does she?", "Are they real?"...Just ask...I'm more than willing to tell you. ( I'm into FULL disclosure these days...)

3) Make "excuses" for why you haven't called...While "throwing up", "bouts of diarrhea", and feeling like "shit"-I really didn't have the time to take attendence, who did or didn't call. (oddly enough it's about me-not you!)

4) Think to yourself..." Serves her right, you know a 100 years ago, she said such and such to me". ( And, I PROBABLY will again..haha...)

5) And, my personnal favorite, " Do you think you're going to die?" (I don't know...but, if God told you something he didn't tell me...)

I'm being "silly" about it, but I just want you to know...NOTHING changes when you're diagnosed-you're just "sick". I'm still the HIGHLY opinionated woman I've ALWAYS been...I STILL love a good martini, or margarita...they just don't LOVE me now! I STILL love clothes, Men 6 ft. and over, I STILL like a little juicy "gossip" from time to time...Absolutely NOTHING has changed except I see several Doctors regularly...I'm even MORE anal about what I eat...

What I want you all to know is...Treat me like you ALWAYS have...I'm STILL just Jenny from the ...No, Tonya...from Hyde Park...Until next time...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks...Nice to know someone's reading my Blog...not just family...haha!

    2. I love this blog! You are an awesome woman Tanya, God smiles on you!

    3. Thanks Robin...You are pretty "awesome" yourself! Pass it on...I want to get these words heard. Many women need to hear this...I know it would have been good for me, when I was going through!Thank You...Thank You...You've ALWAYS been so kind to me!
