Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Today is Valentine's Day, and it's "THE" day for Love. It's funny how things change...I used to look at this day as...An "ALL" out "FRONTAL" Assault...-"BATTLEFIELD-LOVE!" How does that old song go..."Love, love, love...Makes you do foolish things!" I don't remember who sings it...But, you get the point...

Today my "passion" is no less intense. As you get older, and experience Life...You realize (or that's my hope...) what "TRUE LOVE" really is. In 1 Corinthians: 13:7..."bears ALL things (my Breast Cancer), believes ALL things (in my Healing), hopes ALL things (for my CONTINUED health), endures (I have to stop here-Seeing me suffer...) ALL things (Tara was, and still is-My WARRIOR!). Love...never FAILS...

Now, I know the "TRUE LOVE" of my Life...( not just someone I love). My daughter Tara.Who during the last 2 years since my diagnosis has shown me, "A Love Supreme"...( reference, for all you Jazz buffs!). She HAS ...wiped my tears, helped me when I couldn't help myself. Spoken  up for me when sickness had "silenced" my voice...My Mom used to always tell me, "What you put in them, will come out when you need it". I didn't REALLY know at the time what she meant. But, now...Those words are so prophetic.

We are conditioned (raised, brought up-you pick!) to believe we'll find Mr. and/or Ms. Right (whatever your preference!). I've been married (young-enough said?). I've LOVED and LOST. How does that quote go..." It's better to have loved, and lost. Then to never have loved before."- Shakespeare, right? And, I will agree with ole William...Because without those experiences, how could I ever REALLY know what REAL love is?...

My family...My friends...LOVED  me "back" to health...(Love does not seek it's own. 1 Corinthians 13:5).  I call that...Unselfish Love. My God...Wrapped me in His arms, and "KEPT" me through it all (Love endures ALL things. Still 1 Corinthians 13!)... That's...ETERNAL Love. My daughter Tara...Seed of my seed...Nourished in my womb...Loved me through ALL her fears of losing me...That's what I know as...TRUE Love!... Our love is stronger than ever...Our Bond (come on Alicia, sing it..." Unbreakable"!).

So, on THIS day of Love...I CELEBRATE...I have MORE love than you can imagine...More than I've known in my Life...

BUT, if anyone knows someone...Say, 6 ft....Professional...Well spoken...Adventurous...And, WELL read...Until next time...

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